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Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! We want to welcome you to Our Saviour's. We are a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, ELCA, and a founding member of Faith in Community, FIC, which is part of People Improving Community through Organizing, PICO. We are also a Reconciling in Christ Congregation, RIC, a designation given to Lutheran Churches that affirm and welcome the LGBTQ community. Whether LGBTQ or Straight, we believe that God created all of us to be who we are and not what societies, religious institutions or churches believe we should be.


The "DNA" of Our Saviour's is best summed up in the words of Francis of Assisi, "At all times proclaim the Gospel, if necessary, use words." These words of St. Francis are reflected in our two mottos, "Where the Son always shines!" and "We live our PRIDE in Love!" With God's help, we are committed to maintaining a community of faith where the Son always does shine through our witness to God's love in word and action -- where we are light to each other, to the community around us, and to the city of Fresno.


God has blessed Our Saviour's greatly to be a blessing to others, and we do pray that we are a blessing to all.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always!


Lutheran Hunger Network's 
Farmer's Market at Our Saviour's offering fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need.



Where no one is merely tolerated . . . but everyone is certainly celebrated!

© 2023 by Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

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